Class BackEndId

Package class diagram package BackEndId
  extended by
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class BackEndId
extends Object

This class represents a feature that all DML code generators must implement: All CodeGenerator implementations should generate a class named CurrentBackEndId (see CodeGenerator.generateBackEndId()) that implements this abstract class and provides information about the current backend that is being used to manage the domain model. This is also part of the support required for configuration by convention.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  Class<? extends ContextFactory> getAtomicContextFactoryClass()
          Get the Class instance for the factory that creates AtomicContexts.
static BackEndId getBackEndId()
          Lookup via reflection the CurrentBackEndId class and return an instance of it.
abstract  String getBackEndName()
          Get the (unique) name of this BackEnd.
abstract  Class<? extends Config> getDefaultConfigClass()
          Get the Class instance that represents the default configuration class to use for this backend.
 String getParam(String key)
          Search for a parameter value given its key.
protected  String setParam(String key, String value)
          Adds a parameter to the map of parameters.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BackEndId()
Method Detail


protected final String setParam(String key,
                                String value)
Adds a parameter to the map of parameters. The typical usage of this method is during the initialization of this class, to store parameters, e.g., a module may register that is active by setting a key with a given value.


public final String getParam(String key)
Search for a parameter value given its key. param key The parameter to lookup.

null if the corresponding key does not exist.


public abstract String getBackEndName()
Get the (unique) name of this BackEnd. The String returned by this method should contain only valid characters in a filename (because it can be used for configuration by convention (see FenixFramework).

See Also:


public abstract Class<? extends Config> getDefaultConfigClass()
Get the Class instance that represents the default configuration class to use for this backend. This class is used to instantite a Config instance is none is explicitly indicated.


public abstract Class<? extends ContextFactory> getAtomicContextFactoryClass()
Get the Class instance for the factory that creates AtomicContexts. These contexts are backend-specific (thus the backend provides the factory), because they control the logic required to execute a Callable within a transactional context.


public static final BackEndId getBackEndId()
                                    throws ConfigError
Lookup via reflection the CurrentBackEndId class and return an instance of it.

ConfigError - if the expected class does not exit, or it does not extend the BackEndId class

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