Class CompilerArgs

Package class diagram package CompilerArgs
  extended by

public class CompilerArgs
extends Object

Information about CompilerArgs:

TypeNameCommand-line flagDescriptionRequired
boolean generateFinals gf Whether to add the final keyword to the accessor methods. Default: false. No
File destDirectoryBase db The top level directory where to generate the base classes. No. Defaults to destDirectory
File destDirectory d The top level directory where to generate the non-base classes. Yes
String packageName p The default package name. Default: "". No
List<URL> localDomainSpecs localDmlSpec The list of project-local DML specifications. For these DML specifications, the compiler will generate base classes (and non-base classes if they do not exist). Default: empty list. Must provide DML specifications either using localDmlSpecs/externalDmlSpecs or projectName
List<URL> externalDomainSpecs externalDmlSpec The list of project-external DML specifications. For these DML specifications, the compiler will generate base classes only. Default: empty list.
String projectName pn The name of the project. The compiler will search for a <projectName>/ file with the local DML files and other project dependencies to set the local/external specs.
Class<? extends CodeGenerator> generatorClass generator The code generator to use. Default: DefaultCodeGenerator.class. No
Constructor Summary
CompilerArgs(File destDirectory, File destDirectoryBase, String packageName, Boolean generateFinals, Class<? extends CodeGenerator> generatorClass, List<URL> localDomainSpecs, List<URL> externalDomainSpecs, Map<String,String> params)
          Create the CompilerArgs using a local and external DML files specification
CompilerArgs(File destDirectory, File destDirectoryBase, String packageName, Boolean generateFinals, Class<? extends CodeGenerator> generatorClass, String projectName, Map<String,String> params)
          Create the CompilerArgs using the project name (requires a <projName>/ file in the classpath).
CompilerArgs(String[] args)
          Create the CompilerArgs using command-line args.
Method Summary
static List<URL> convertFilenamesToURLs(List<String> filenames)
static URL convertFilenameToURL(String filename)
 Class<? extends CodeGenerator> getCodeGenerator()
 List<URL> getExternalDomainSpecs()
 List<URL> getLocalDomainSpecs()
 Map<String,String> getParams()
 boolean isExternalDefinition(URL domainSpec)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CompilerArgs(File destDirectory,
                    File destDirectoryBase,
                    String packageName,
                    Boolean generateFinals,
                    Class<? extends CodeGenerator> generatorClass,
                    List<URL> localDomainSpecs,
                    List<URL> externalDomainSpecs,
                    Map<String,String> params)
Create the CompilerArgs using a local and external DML files specification


public CompilerArgs(File destDirectory,
                    File destDirectoryBase,
                    String packageName,
                    Boolean generateFinals,
                    Class<? extends CodeGenerator> generatorClass,
                    String projectName,
                    Map<String,String> params)
             throws DmlCompilerException
Create the CompilerArgs using the project name (requires a <projName>/ file in the classpath).



public CompilerArgs(String[] args)
             throws DmlCompilerException
Create the CompilerArgs using command-line args.

Method Detail


public Class<? extends CodeGenerator> getCodeGenerator()


public List<URL> getLocalDomainSpecs()


public List<URL> getExternalDomainSpecs()


public boolean isExternalDefinition(URL domainSpec)


public Map<String,String> getParams()


public static List<URL> convertFilenamesToURLs(List<String> filenames)


public static URL convertFilenameToURL(String filename)

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